balance | empower | HEAL
Usui Reiki Master and Hatha Yoga Teacher
Bali-based and beyond
with an international community of Reiki practitioners
In today’s busy world, how often do you take the
time to look inwards?
I always struggled to find the time and energy to commit to a daily spiritual and meditative practice until I discovered Reiki and Tantra Hatha yoga. Now the days when I feel emotionally imbalanced, anxious, or just completely “out of whack”, are the days when I don’t make the time for healing and spiritual development.
Both the healing modalities of Yoga and Reiki, provide a comprehensive approach to achieve the same thing: I like to describe them as a ‘tool’, which mindfully helps cultivate healing energy to balance, repair, and empower.
My goal is to share these practical self-development tools and ancient healing techniques that have had a PROFOUND effect on my life, making me calmer, grounded, and able to navigate life's bumps and humps with more ease and grace.
I call myself a ‘ripple maker’ because I hope the teachings I share, begin ripples of change; small energetic chain reactions that have a positive impact on my clients’' well-being, their communities and ultimately the world we live in.
Let's make some ripples together, Miki x

Reiki workshops online and in-person, Reiki for Kids, Reiki for Animals,
Reiki & Yoga retreats, Female Empowerment, Tools to Heal yourself

Positive impact academy
Online Reiki Healing and Self-Development Courses
Are you ready for a full energetic Reiki Recharge?
Join me for 16 days of Chakra cleansing and balancing, relaxing meditations, and Reiki distance healing, brought to you by the Positive Impact Academy.
This programme empowers you with live Reiki attunements, daily guided meditations, in-depth guides on every chakra, and tools and techniques to self-heal.
SIGN UP for notifications via the link below
Why learn with me, Miki Massey, or online via the Positive Impact Academy?
I have initiated hundreds of students into the ancient Japanese healing modality of Reiki
I offer one of the most comprehensive courses in my field, combining practical and theoretical teachings with real-life support systems to keep you motivated
As a working mother, full-time entrepreneur, wild-at-heart avid explorer, and (hopefully) sustainable being, I aim to understand your time constraints, problems and motivations
I have first-hand experienced the healing power of Usui Reiki energy in my own spiritual journey, and want to share this unique healing opportunity with others
Gain access to an international group of like-hearted individuals passionate about healing and becoming the best version of themselves
A receive my chatty (and generally sunny) weekly newsletters sharing ongoing discussions from the community, Reiki case studies, opportunities for 1-on-1 distance healing, online and in-person Reiki shares, womens circles, and more.